Back trail to sema episode 5 chocolate thunder night run

Every year, the world famous SEMA show is held in Las Vegas to highlight the best innovations and new products in the aftermarket automotive world. When most vendors and attendees take a flight to the show, we take the scenic route. For 2019, 14 off road enthusiasts, Youtubers, Internet TV stars take on 10 days of hardcore off road wheeling in heavily modified Jeeps/4x4s that spans 4 states and over 1800 miles in this endurance-testing adventure. Join us where the pavement ends on PowerStop’s Trail To SEMA.

Trail to SEMA 2019: When the Sun Goes Down…

In Episode 5, we are still in Johnson Valley, home of Hammertown and the annual King Of The Hammers race. During Hammers week, night life is half the fun. There’s camping and a seemingly infinite amount of people looking to take their vehicles out to the trails at night. We wanted to recreate that same atmosphere with the crew of ~30 we had on the desert lake bed for Trail To SEMA. We took it a step further, though!

The lights equipped on the Trail To SEMA Jeeps were no slouches…but we had other ideas on how we could #OwnTheNight. Rigid Industries provided us with many of their Scene Lights, and Optima Batteries dished in their Yellow Top batteries to help us run them to stadium light Chocolate Thunder for the first ever night run on Trail To SEMA.

trail to sema johnson valley
trail to sema camp hammer town
rigid industires

Chocolate Thunder

Chocolate Thunder lives up to the interesting story behind it’s name. Depending on the line you take, it can be incredibly technical or Ultra4-race fast. With the spirit of REVKIT betting in mind, Kris (TRLJP) announced he was ready to give up 10 REVKITs for anyone that takes the far right, and most extreme, line up the trail.

A good amount of the group started on the betting line, only to veer off to easier pastures. Even with the extensively lit course, the night added a different perspective on each obstacle. Large boulders seemed even more challenging with the shadows. BleepinMatt was determined, though. He stuck to the far right line, check out the episode to see how he fared!

chocolate thunder
king of the hammers

More Johnson Valley Fun

We’re not done with Johnson Valley just yet. Just like this episode, we’ve got some creative things still to come, so check back next week for a “race” of sorts!

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